Monday, December 5, 2011

À la recherche du temps perdu 1:

The destruction of Chinese language and culture is the single most important reason of my loath towards PAP. Recently liar LKY wrote a book, "My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore's Bilingual Journey", trying to emulate Pontius Pilate, to exonerate himself the crime of killing Chinese culture and language.

He knows that on the day of China's emergence, his name will go down shit hole in history. Hence he is trying very hard to profile himself as a champion of Chinese. He tried to explain..etc.. all sorts of bullshit.

One thing he can't explain. Why has Hong Kong preserve their culture and language while we lost them. Hong Kong was ruled by British 34 more years after the British has left Singapore.

The reason is that even the Brits respect the Chinese culture. Although the Brits has tried to suppress Chinese culture, they could not equal the intensity and hatred of what Kuan Yew has done in Singapore.

Nevertheless, the ideal Chinese society has long gone with the ascend of communist. I always nostalgic of the romantic period 1895-1949. It is Chinese society at its best form. It will never be back.

The time lost
For many Chinese intellect, the era of 1895 - 1949 is the best and worst time in modern history of China. It was an era of social freedom, personal liberty, science and humanity advancement. At the same time, this was also a period of national crisis. For many Chinese, many good things were lost when communist took over. We have lost much of the culture, moral values, due to the wicked communist.

KMT China 1911-1949
KMT China is the most Romantic period. It was featured in numerous themes movies. The photos and advertisement below are works in 1992 by the late Mike Chu Ka-Ting 朱家鼎. He was the husband of one of the most famous actress Cherie Chung 鍾楚紅.

The work is really a masterpiece. I believe we will never see such genre in the future. The new generation of Chinese, even those in HK and ROC has changed. Many of the good traditional values, culture and sense of beauty are forgotton.


Anonymous said...

you wrote "1895-1949. It is Chinese society at its best form" ???
Wake up dude , go check your facts. Are you talking the dying gasp of life of the Qing dynasty which collapsed under its corrupt and incompetent rule in 1911? Are you talking about the warlords era where China had no central government? Are you talking about the civil war between the KMT & communist while the Japs was humiliating China with successive military victories ? It was time of war, famine and death where women's feet was bound and a diaspora of Chinese sought better life outside china .

Veritas said...

There is other perspective. It was the period of Chinese culture renaissance not seen after the spring and autumn period 2500 years ago.

Despite of all war casualty of more than 9 million, the great leap forward by communist of 30 million life and destruction of culture are then the dark age.

1894- 1949 onwards, there is some political liberty and a lot of social liberty. After 1949, there is none.

Anonymous said...

Dude , you made the point that 1894-1949 was a period of " culture renaissance not seen " 2500 years ago.

On that basis, there should have been literary & philosophical works published during 1894-1949 that is in the class and stature of say the Dream of the red mansions, the journey to the west , the writings & philosophy of Confucius & Lao Tzu. Obviously there was none to speak of. therefore your point is moot.

you tenuously argued that there was "a lot" of social liberty during 1894 - 1949 period. You may wish to note that the social classes of China then was largely landless uneducated peasants trying to eck out a living on lands leased from the rich landlords. what social and political liberty is there to speak of when the masses are oppressed by corrupt and incompetent government officials and they struggled with famine and wars. Survival was the concerns of the large peasant masses. In fact, this was a period of uprisings against the manchus, and thereafter the corrupt KMT and their landlord classes. This was the fertile ground that allowed a communist movement to take place.

Seriously , I dont know what your point is in trying to romanticise this period of Chinese history that is clearly inaccurate and without basis.

Given your poor grasp of history , the credibility and accuracy of your other postings seriously need to be closely examined.

Veritas said...

On that basis, there should have been literary & philosophical works published during 1894-1949
New literary movement which see the creation of new writing style.

You may wish to note that the social classes of China then was largely landless uneducated peasants trying to eck out a living on lands leased from the rich landlords. what social and political liberty is there to speak of when the masses are oppressed by corrupt and incompetent government officials and they struggled with famine and wars.

tell me which period of china does not consist mostly of landless peasants other than post large scale civil war which result in mass killings?

Since when in the feudal period China has seen better government than 1895-1949. Without the sabotage of Japan, China would have avoid communism and war, and move further.

This was the fertile ground that allowed a communist movement to take place.

I agree. But commie was nearly wipe out in 5th encirclement campaign.

Don forget. Japan save them by starting WW2.

Your chinese history is one of the worst i ever see. Go read some more.